Have you suddenly noticed your box has a group of under-motivated boy athletes or testosterone drained adult men wuss’n thru your workouts. Shake ’em up with a Man Up Workshop, Testosterone Shot Seminar or Warrior Weekend. Call it whatever you want, but these groups seem like candidates for some gender specialized hard work (and extra income for your box). Give these underachievers a heavy does of competition style workouts, head to head WODs or if you are really feeling like kicking these guys in the humility testes, bring your best ladies in to shows these dudes the difference between compression pants and yoga pants. Want to make it real? Reach out to first responders or military folks in your community.
Bottom line: Great progress comes from competition, whether internal or external – if these guys can’t find the man juice to push themselves every time they workout they will never find the best versions of themselves. Train them hard, watch them grow.